The ASHFoundation’s University Engagement Program (UEP) is a vehicle for heightening awareness about its research grant, scholarship, and clinical achievement award programs, and represents a partnership for encouraging faculty, clinical supervisors, and students to participate in these ASHFoundation programs – as applicants, mentors, investigators, nominators, or volunteer reviewers. Building off the success of its University Giving Program (UGP), the ASHFoundation’s NEW UEP provides opportunities for professional development and networking and emboldens a culture of philanthropy throughout this shared community.
This partnership is the embodiment of the ASHFoundation’s mission to support innovators and spark innovation.
In early 2024, the ASHFoundation launched this new effort to prioritize deeper collaboration with faculty, clinical supervisors, and students. Each UEP has a designated ambassador who is a faculty member who volunteers to serve as the main point of contact between the academic program and the ASHFoundation and who helps to ensure their community has the knowledge of and access to the rich resources the ASHFoundation provides.
For the May 2024 Foundation Focus Newsletter, Gregg Lof joined the ASHFoundation team to share more about the UEP launch. Gregg serves on the ASHFoundation Board of Trustees and its Development Committee and in that role also serves as the chair of the UEP.
Tell us more about what is driving the evolution of the University Engagement Program (UEP).
The ASHFoundation has a rich history of working closely with universities to advance its mission to support innovators and spark innovation. In the shift to the UEP, we really wanted to stress the E for engagement. We want to ensure we are working in partnership with students, faculty, and clinical supervisors to get our resources into their hands, and to provide them pathways for giving back to the CSD community through working with us, whether by volunteer service, event participation, or philanthropy.
How can I get involved with the UEP?
As a former UGP Ambassador, I know how hard it can be to balance professional work and a desire to help advance the CSD professions alongside the ASHFoundation. But this new UEP will help make this more seamless and productive. Each university program will have a volunteer ambassador who serves as our main point of contact on campus to help define our partnership and share our efforts. As we roll out the enhanced UEP, we will provide our ambassadors with materials to help share more about the ASHFoundation and its programs as well as upcoming events. For now, we would encourage any university personnel to visit ashfoundation.org/UEP to learn more and sign up to receive more information.
Core Areas
The UEP focuses on three core areas:
- Raising awareness about ASHFoundation research grant, scholarship, and clinical achievement award programs.
- Encouraging faculty, clinicians, and students to participate in ASHFoundation programs – as applicants, mentors, investigators, nominators, or volunteer reviewers.
- Promoting opportunities to participate in ASHFoundation activities such as the Virtual 5K Walk/Run, the Pickleball Challenge, the Evening with the ASHFoundation, and other events.
Professional Development
- Providing opportunities to develop and highlight faculty’s volunteer service as UEP ambassador on their CV.
- Pursuing ASHFoundation recognitions related to UEP’s annual engagement goals.
- Receiving marketing resources to recognize UEP accomplishments and engagement with the ASHFoundation.
- Building collaborations and creating networking opportunities among other UEPs and the ASHFoundation.
- Establishing a culture of philanthropy involving faculty, clinicians, students, and alumni.
- Enabling multiple ways to support the ASHFoundation and give back to the CSD discipline – through collective giving, event creation, program engagement, and more.
- Allowing each UEP to customize philanthropic goals for engaging with the ASHFoundation.
As we launch our new University Engagement Program, we will be reaching out to our current ambassadors to continue our engagement and to additional universities to welcome them into our community.
For more information about getting involved, regardless of whether your UEP is listed below, please complete the contact form below and a member of the ASHFoundation team will follow up with you.
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