The Student Research Grant in Early Childhood Language Development supports master's and doctoral students in communication sciences and disorders pursuing research in early childhood language development for a proposed one-year study. This grant supported in part by the Arlene M. and Noel D. Matkin Memorial Fund.
Awarded $2,000 each

- McKenzie Cullinan
- PhD Candidate
- University of Texas at Dallas
- Mentor: Pumpki Lei Su
- Using Production Practice to Improve Word Learning in Autistic Children

- Ada López González
- PhD Candidate
- University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Mentor: Megan Gross
- Caregiver-Implemented Early Language Interventions in Puerto Rico: A Mixed-Methods Examination of Provider and Caregiver Practices and Perspectives to Develop Culturally Responsive Interventions

- Suzanne Stiles
- PhD Candidate
- Vanderbilt University
- Mentor: Stephen Camarata
- Teaching Black American Caregivers to Implement Enhanced Milieu Teaching (EMT) With Their Young Children Developmental Language Disorder: A Pilot Study
Awarded $2,000 each

- Diana Lucia Abarca
- PhD Candidate, Florida State University
- Mentor: Mollie Romano
- Proposal: Supporting Early Intervention Providers to Work With Families of Marginalized Backgrounds Through Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: A Mixed Methods Study

- Olivia Boorom
- PhD Candidate, University of Kansas
- Mentor: Nancy Brady
- Proposal: Understanding How Caregiver Behavior Shapes Reciprocal Communication in Nonspeaking Autistic Children

- Savanna Brittlebank-Douglas
- PhD Candidate, The Pennsylvania State University
- Mentor: Janice Light
- Proposal: Parent Tele-Training to Support Language Development Outcomes in Young Children With Multiple Disabilities

- Emily Jackson
- PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut
- Mentor: Bernard Grela
- Proposal: Exploring Parental Ethnotheories Related to Early Childhood Language Development, Disorders, and Interventions
Awarded $2,000 each
- Lauramarie Pope
- PhD Candidate
- Pennsylvania State University
- Mentor: Janice Light
- Supporting the Early Language Development of Young Children on the Autism Spectrum: Incorporating Augmentative and Alternative Communication into Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions
- Katharine Radville
- PhD Candidate
- MGH Institute of Health Professions
- Mentor: Tiffany Hogan
- The Effects of a Caregiver Training on Developmental Language Disorder
Awarded $2,000 each
- Keysha Martinez-Torres
- PhD Candidate
- Vanderbilt University
- Mentor: Stephen Camarata
- Social Validity of a Teletherapy Parent Training Program for Latinx Families of Children With Autism
- Sarah Lynn Neiling
- PhD Candidate
- The University of Arizona
- Mentor: Mary Alt
- Telehealth and Train-the-Trainer Service Delivery Models for Word-Learning Treatment (VAULT): A Single-Case Experimental Study With Latine Late Talkers
Awarded $2,000
- Shirley Huang
- PhD Candidate
- University of Colorado Boulder
- Mentor: Pui Fong Kan
- Emotion Competency Skills and Language Development in Bilingual Children With and Without a Language Impairment
View Student Research Grant in Early Childhood Language Development recipients before 2020 [PDF].