Student Research Grant in Early Childhood Language Development Recipients

The Student Research Grant in Early Childhood Language Development supports master's and doctoral students in communication sciences and disorders pursuing research in early childhood language development for a proposed one-year study. This grant supported in part by the Arlene M. and Noel D. Matkin Memorial Fund.


Awarded $2,000 each

McKenzie Cullinan

McKenzie Cullinan
PhD Candidate
University of Texas at Dallas
Mentor: Pumpki Lei Su
Using Production Practice to Improve Word Learning in Autistic Children

Ada López González

Ada López González
PhD Candidate
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Mentor: Megan Gross
Caregiver-Implemented Early Language Interventions in Puerto Rico: A Mixed-Methods Examination of Provider and Caregiver Practices and Perspectives to Develop Culturally Responsive Interventions

Suzanne Stiles

Suzanne Stiles
PhD Candidate
Vanderbilt University
Mentor: Stephen Camarata
Teaching Black American Caregivers to Implement Enhanced Milieu Teaching (EMT) With Their Young Children Developmental Language Disorder: A Pilot Study


Awarded $2,000 each

Diana Lucia Abarca

Diana Lucia Abarca
PhD Candidate, Florida State University
Mentor: Mollie Romano
Proposal: Supporting Early Intervention Providers to Work With Families of Marginalized Backgrounds Through Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: A Mixed Methods Study

Olivia Boorom

Olivia Boorom
PhD Candidate, University of Kansas
Mentor: Nancy Brady
Proposal: Understanding How Caregiver Behavior Shapes Reciprocal Communication in Nonspeaking Autistic Children

Savanna Brittlebank-Douglas

Savanna Brittlebank-Douglas
PhD Candidate, The Pennsylvania State University
Mentor: Janice Light
Proposal: Parent Tele-Training to Support Language Development Outcomes in Young Children With Multiple Disabilities

Emily Jackson

Emily Jackson
PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut
Mentor: Bernard Grela
Proposal: Exploring Parental Ethnotheories Related to Early Childhood Language Development, Disorders, and Interventions


Awarded $2,000 each

Lauramarie Pope
Lauramarie Pope
PhD Candidate
Pennsylvania State University
Mentor: Janice Light
Supporting the Early Language Development of Young Children on the Autism Spectrum: Incorporating Augmentative and Alternative Communication into Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions
Katharine Radville
Katharine Radville
PhD Candidate
MGH Institute of Health Professions
Mentor: Tiffany Hogan
The Effects of a Caregiver Training on Developmental Language Disorder


Awarded $2,000 each

Keysha Martinez-Torres
Keysha Martinez-Torres
PhD Candidate
Vanderbilt University
Mentor: Stephen Camarata
Social Validity of a Teletherapy Parent Training Program for Latinx Families of Children With Autism
Sarah Lynn Neiling
Sarah Lynn Neiling
PhD Candidate
The University of Arizona
Mentor: Mary Alt
Telehealth and Train-the-Trainer Service Delivery Models for Word-Learning Treatment (VAULT): A Single-Case Experimental Study With Latine Late Talkers


Awarded $2,000

Shirley Huang
Shirley Huang
PhD Candidate
University of Colorado Boulder
Mentor: Pui Fong Kan
Emotion Competency Skills and Language Development in Bilingual Children With and Without a Language Impairment

View Student Research Grant in Early Childhood Language Development recipients before 2020 [PDF].