International Student Scholarship Recipients

The International Student Scholarship (part of the Graduate Student Scholarship) recognizes international graduate students enrolled in a communication sciences and disorders program in the United States. This scholarship is supported by the Kala Singh Memorial Fund.


Awarded $5,000 each

Ghina Fares

Ghina Fares
AuD Candidate
University of Kansas Medical Center

HaeJi Lee

HaeJi Lee
PhD Candidate
University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences

Denis Rudisch

Denis Rudisch
PhD Candidate
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Communication Sciences and Disorders


Awarded $5,000 each

Sara Inayat

Sara Inayat
MS Candidate
Radford University
Speech-Language Pathology

Hannah Eunice Obrique

Hannah Eunice Obrique
MS Candidate
California State University, East Bay
Speech-Language Pathology

Seyma Yalcinkaya

Seyma Yalcinkaya
AuD/PhD Candidate
Gallaudet University


Awarded $5,000 each

Olutayo Kayode
Olutayo Kayode
MS Candidate
Minot State University
Speech-Language Pathology
Tadeas Lunga
Tadeas Lunga
PhD Candidate
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Communication Sciences and Disorders


Awarded $5,000 each

Mariana Mendes Bahia
Mariana Mendes Bahia
PhD Candidate
Syracuse University
Speech-Language Pathology
Anne Billot
Anne Billot
PhD Candidate
Boston University
Behavioral Neuroscience
Suzanne Coomer
Suzanne Coomer
MS Candidate
Rush University
Speech-Language Pathology


Awarded $5,000 each

Anna Beatriz Guerrero
Anna Beatriz Guerrero
MS Candidate
California State University, Northridge
Speech-Language Pathology
Yaxal Sobrevilla Ramirez
Yaxal Sobrevilla Ramirez
MS Candidate
Marquette University
Speech-Language Pathology

View International Student Scholarship recipients before 2020 [PDF].