The American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (ASHFoundation) invites full-time students who will be or who are currently enrolled in a communication sciences and disorders graduate program to apply for graduate scholarships.
Scholarships are available to students who are undergraduate seniors or who are currently pursuing master's or doctoral degrees. Both research and clinical doctorate students are eligible.
Within the overall Graduate Student Scholarship program, funding opportunities include:
General Scholarships
Up to 15 general graduate student scholarships, of $5,000 each, will be awarded.
Endowed Scholarships
Up to 11 graduate student scholarships will be awarded for special purposes. Scholarships of $5,000 each are available for the following categories, and applicants who wish to be considered for any of these endowed scholarships must indicate this during the Graduate Student Scholarship application process.
- Up to three graduate student scholarships, funded by the Kala Singh Memorial Fund, for students who are non-U.S. citizen studying in the United States. (International Student Scholarship)
- Up to three graduate student scholarships, funded by the Minority Fund, for students who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group and are U.S. citizens. Note this scholarship is separate from ASHA’s Minority Student Leadership Program. (Minority Student Scholarship)
- Up to three graduate student scholarships, funded by the NSSLHA Scholarship Fund, for undergraduate senior students with active National NSSLHA memberships and who will begin graduate study in the fall of 2025. (NSSLHA Scholarship)
- One graduate student scholarship, funded by the Dr. Lawrence D. Shriberg Memorial Scholarship Fund, for students pursuing research in areas aligned with the work of the late Dr. Shriberg, including speech sound disorders, childhood apraxia of speech, phonetic transcription, and genetic conditions affecting speech. (Dr. Lawrence D. Shriberg Memorial Scholarship)
- One graduate student scholarship, funded by the Dr. Sadanand Singh Scholarship Fund, for students pursuing research in areas aligned with the work of the late Dr. Singh, contributing to evidence-based practices in speech, language, or hearing. (Dr. Sadanand Singh Scholarship)
Applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible for the Graduate Student Scholarship.
Graduate Study
- The applicant must be accepted for, or enrolled in, graduate study in a communication sciences and disorders program in the United States. Clinical doctoral programs in audiology or master's programs in speech-language pathology must be accredited by, or in candidacy status from, the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology; this does not apply to research doctoral programs.
- The applicant must be enrolled in full-time study for the full academic year.
Academic and Personal Merit
- The applicant must submit university transcripts of academic coursework, credits, grades, and grade point average (GPA).
- The applicant must have three confidential letters of recommendation. The letters can be from a combination of academic faculty and work references, depending on the applicant’s specific situation. The letters of recommendation should meet the following requirements:
Applicants who are currently enrolled in an undergraduate program: At least two letters must be from academic faculty at the applicant's current undergraduate college or university program.
Applicants who are currently enrolled in a graduate program: At least two letters must be from academic faculty. These letters can come from faculty at the applicant’s current or past college or university program.
Applicants who are returning to school from the workforce: It is acceptable to have letters from colleagues (and at least one supervisor) at the applicant’s current place of employment, as well as letters from references who are familiar with the applicant’s academic history and potential.
Prior Funding
- The applicant must not have received a prior scholarship from the ASHFoundation.
Application Requirements
Complete the online Student Information Form and upload the following required materials.
- Student Information Form (online)
All applicants must complete this form. Eligible applicants who also wish to be considered for any of the endowed scholarships must indicate this in the appropriate question on the form.
- Letter of Application (PDF file, limit 2 pages, 12-point font, single-spaced)
In the Letter of Application (addressed to the “Scholarship Review Committee”), applicants should describe their goals after completing their academic program and explain why they chose these goals.
- Letter of Acceptance or Statement of Good Standing (PDF file)
Applicants who will begin their graduate program in the fall of 2025 should include a copy of the graduate school acceptance letter. Applicants who have completed one or more semesters or quarters in their graduate program should include a statement of good standing from the department for the 2024–2025 academic year.
Transcript (PDF file)
Applicants must provide a transcript from their current university. It is acceptable to use a student version of a transcript. Do not upload a third-party secure PDF version of a transcript. If GPA is not included in the transcript, the applicant's GPA must be provided via official department or university documentation, such as a letter.
Essay (PDF file; 1,500 words or less, not including references; 12-point font and single-spaced)
2025 Essay Question: Discuss future opportunities for advancement of research in communication sciences and disorder from an international perspective. Explore possible the strategies for establishing and cultivating global research collaborations.
Feel free to address any of the following questions in your essay: What value do such collaborations bring to efforts to advance knowledge in the discipline? What are some strategies that might be employed to maximize more effective international research collaborations? How might collaborations across geographic boundaries enhance the work of clinicians and researchers?
Library and professional references may be used to support your opinions and innovative ideas. Include the Essay Question (only) as a header for your essay response.
- Confidential Letters of Recommendation (PDF files)
Three confidential letters of recommendation must be submitted on behalf of the applicant. The letters can be from a combination of academic faculty and work references, depending on the applicant’s specific situation. Please refer to the Eligibility section for specific author requirements. Recommendation letters should:
- Rate the applicant's academic promise (average, above average, excellent, or superior).
- Cite specific examples that demonstrate academic achievement.
- Note the applicant's personal qualities and capacities necessary for a successful career in audiology and/or speech-language pathology.
- Cite specific examples that show initiative, responsibility, motivation, or commitment to the discipline.
Request Letters of Recommendation: Recommenders must upload their letter of recommendation, as a PDF file, to the online application system. Through the system, applicants can request recommendations by providing the names and e-mail addresses of their three recommenders. Once the applicant provides this contact information, the recommenders will receive an e-mail from foundationprograms@asha.org requesting a letter of recommendation and providing submission instructions.
Note: It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure the recommenders submit their letters of recommendation before the deadline.
Funding note: Scholarship funding is to be directed toward educational expenses (e.g., tuition, books, living expenses) and not toward travel (personal or professional) or research expenses.